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Our Story
過30年的科研,ProVen 益生菌是世界上研究最多的益生菌之一。 這就是我們稱ProVen 為“有實證之益生菌”的原因。
With over 30 years’ experience in the industry, coupled with continuous research and new product development, ProVen is one of the world’s most respected probiotics manufacturers.

The man behind the brand
雖然市場上有許多益生菌品牌,但沒有人像 Dr. Nigel Plummer (ProVen 益生菌的始創人) 對免疫微生物學那樣充滿熱情,於世界各地教育不同的醫護人員及研究學者。
Whilst there are many brands of probiotics, there are not many proprietors as passionate about bacteria as Dr Nigel Plummer, founder and managing director of ProVen Probiotics.

“Different life stages have different requirements both of probiotics and other nutrients”
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